New from Xexoxial Editions—

XAM by Ann Bogle

XAM by Ann Bogle

with Lithokons by mIEKAL aND

2005, 28 pages, 8.5x11, b&w $6, color $20. Postage included.
ISBN 0-9770049-1-0 | ISBN 978-0-9770049-1-1

When I wrote XAM: Paragraph Series in 1998, I was in those cities and locations cited in these passages. I see the pieces as related prose poems. A prose poem, as I have practiced it, is two pages or fewer in length and uses language, rather than temporal events, as the first given. Glimpses of action, person (not as in fiction, “character”), and scene may also appear in them. Prose poems are less calculating than fiction and less tightly crafted than a short story or short poem; they are less pre-meditated. Perhaps they are more rhythmic. My friend, Michael J. Kelly, admitted to finding the rhythms in XAM to be difficult to follow. It reminds me that rhythm is something also personal. The best rhythmic writing would be “beatest.” Yuan is my codeword for today.

—Ann Bogle

ANN BOGLE’s writings include letters, journals, poems, prose poems, literary essays, short stories, and short novels. She has written a book of mixed-genre prose (story, aphorism, essay, and diary) called Work On What Has Been Spoiled. Her short stories have appeared in The Quarterly, Fiction International, Gulf Coast, Washington Review, Black Ice, Cool Hearts, Submodern Fiction, and Poetic Inhalation. A selection of mixed-genre passages titled "This Was Called War at One Time" appeared in Neuromantic Fiction, an anthology published by altx. She received the MFA in fiction from the University of Houston in 1994. She was awarded a Minnesota State Arts Board grant for mixed-genre writing in 1998 and has since been nominated to have a chair named for her along with other Minnesota writers at the Minneapolis Public Library.


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Xexoxial Editions
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LaFarge,WI 54639