ISSN 1557-0983

Visual poetry, copy art & collage graphics, each issue devoted to the work of one artist. Xerolage is a word coined by mIEKAL aND to suggest the world of 8.5 x 11 art propagated by xerox technology. “The mimeo of the 80s.” The primary investigation of this magazine is how collage technique of 20th century art, typography, computer graphics, visual & concrete poetry movements & the art of the xerox have been combined. 8.5x11, 24 pages each. Subscriptions $20/4 issues. For overseas delivery, add $10 for airmail printed matter. Back issues $5.00 each.

Xexoxial Editions, 10375 Cty Hway A, La Farge, WI 54639
perspicacity at